Monday, April 6, 2009

Digital confidence is down

It looks like we're starting to suffer something like digital weariness! According to a study on consumer confidence in digital by Media, especially in Thailand, digital channels aren't filling consumers with confidence...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Web 2.0: data not communities

Web 2.0 is not about having a website that invites people to contribute - it's about applications that get better the more people use them.

Tim O'Reilly and Dale Dougherty coined the phrase in 2003. O'Reilly actually worded the definition as above in an attempt to wrest control over the genie he'd released.

A fantastic way of putting it is, "data is the new Intel inside." There is a competitive advantage in sites where data is accumulating so that we shouldn't doubt their ability to eventually monetise their businesses - e.g. Twitter has a huge potential business as a referrer.

Where does the next digital shift come from? According to Tim O'Reilly, from data inputs from sensors, as opposed to humans. Interesting.

So in the car park you see value deducted from your prepaid card, but when that happens the online database automatically tells your wife where you are and contacts your insurance company when you nick the barrier...oops!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Three tantalising bits of news that are of note today:

1. AT&T's 4G rollout plan
2. Video on the iPhone
3. Two new iPhone models

New, faster networks are definitely something to look forward to, but news online of upcoming tech usually leads to questions about how long it will take to reach us. The implementation roadmap is certainly interesting since it looks and sounds like 7.2 M/Bits p/s services, and even 20 M/Bit services are imminent. (Whether they're called 4G or not is a different question.)

Two new iPhone models have been mentioned in the new 3.0 software upgrade and it will be very interesting to see what Apple does with the new higher speeds with their video phone. The likelihood of that feature in the iPhone was mentioned again in the new software developer release - the option to "publish video" on the mobileme pages on the phone. Apple said that they won't enable the video recording capabilities of the phone until the implementation is good enough, and that suggests that will be good for all of us who've ever used a crappy phone camera. I can't wait for Apple to again raise the bar. As noted by Appleinsider, they're already miles ahead of the rest of the chasing pack in terms of phone software.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

intelligent iphone sycophants

The most interesting analysis of the iPhone 3.0 SDK announcement today was from iLounge. They had this particularly smart comment to make about what was missing in their follow-up article, noting that there was no reference to any new screen resolution support apart from the current 420x320. What that means is that for the forseeable future, iphone screens won't be getting any bigger. Other review sites kept on talking about the missing video function. There's a lot of lazy Apple commentary out there.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Even Reuters are in on the latest Apple story about the possibility of a touchscreen laptop being developed. Well I hope so. It makes sense, and it makes for a lot more interesting reading that what Microsoft are doing with their amazing pocketable Surface technology.

The photoshoppers have been quite busy...there are quite a few images online already with mockups of what people expect to see...